Access logs of all API requests & workflow executions.


Logging provides you with valuable insights into your API and workflow activity to better understand performance and optimize them.

Log Details

Details provide you with granular information like request and response headers, request bodies, action data and timestamps.

Sorting & Filtering

Sort by route, HTTP status or date to quickly identify patterns or issues.

Request & Response Data

Analyze response headers and bodies.

Global Error Handling

Global Error Handling allows you to monitor errors automatically. To enable this feature, go to the project settings and activate the global error handling options.

Unexpected Error

An error.unexpected_error event is automatically triggered when unexpected errors occur in your APIs, Workflows or Functions.

Error Action Error

An error.action_triggered event can be manually initiated through error response actions within your API.

Error Information as Parameters

Each error event carries detailed parameters to aid in troubleshooting and resolution. Below is an example of an error information structure for an unexpected error in an API:

    "endpointId": 4,
    "error": "Message: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = update_by key is required",
    "errorSourceAction": {
      "Config": {
        "Data": {
          "ApiEndpointId": "user/update",
          "BodyFields": {
            "update_by": {}
          "PathFields": {},
          "QueryFields": {}
      "IsValid": true,
      "Kind": "actions.user",
      "Name": "User Action",
      "Uuid": "84d579e5-d4c3-442a-a041-b1707ef8630e"
    "executedAt": "2024-07-01T10:21:23Z",
    "isDeployed": false,
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/hello"


Learn more about Logging, among other things, in the following Fastgen University lessons: