Pause workflow execution until a specific time window.



The “Time Window” action block pauses the workflow until a certain point in time. The workflow will then be in a Running state and you will be able to cancel the execution by using the Stop Flow button within the debug mode or the Logs page.

If the point in time is in the past, it will just continue executing.


Within the action you have lots of flexibility — you’re able to pause until Specific Days, Dates, Times while controlling the Timezone.


    "resume_at": "2023-10-28T12:13:05Z", // the point in time when the execution will resume (time format: RFC3339)
    "Formatted": "Sat, 28 Oct 2023 12:13:05 UTC", // same as `resume_at` but in a more nicely formatted way (time format: RFC1123)